CE Network has ceased new registrations. Existing clients with active courses or those needing access to their records can log in as usual.
If you are not satisfied with your learning experience prior to course completion, you can request a refund within 10 days of purchase by contacting Customer Support at 1-866-444-1123 or emailing [email protected]. Please note that a refund or cancellation will terminate your access to the course and your ability to earn continuing education (CE) credits on the specified course. Your refund may be pro-rated if the course was used to obtain a volume discount.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
CE Network will maintain, for a minimum of four years, each student's record containing the following information: the provider's address and contact information, the student's name, address, phone numbers and e-mail address, the courses taken, date of registration per course, date started and date completed per course, the total time spent per course (if applicable) and clock hours granted per course. Student records are available upon request.
CE Network courses are available for a period of six month from date of purchase, however CE Network cannot guarantee accreditation. CE Network will make all reasonable efforts to maintain accreditation of its courses, however should accreditation be withdrawn, CE Network's liability is strictly to substitute other CE Network accredited courses and/or allow access to unaccredited courses(s).
Oliver Publishing Inc. strives to provide equal education opportunities for all clients and potential clients (“learners”) regarding enrolment, instruction, assessment, support and reporting. The company does not discriminate in its decisions or processes regarding learners based on any of the following criteria: Age, Religion, Sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding), Sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, family status, marital status, disability (including mental, physical, developmental or learning disabilities), race or colour, ancestry, place of origin, ethnic origin, citizenship, record of offences, association or relationship with a person identified by one of the above grounds, or the perception that one of the above grounds applies.
Any learner who has concerns regarding any kind of discrimination related to an Oliver’s program is encouraged to bring this to the attention of our Operations Manager Fernanda De Melo ([email protected]). Learners can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal.